Monday, December 17, 2012


In this project, you will create a video podcast on a topic of your interest.

1. Purposes of the project:
1. Think about how you can communicate effectively
2. Work towards becoming an autonomous learner

2. Objectives
By using Japanese language and other modalities (tone of your voice, body language, pictures, color, font etc.), you will have the chance to:
1. Communicate with the Japanese speaking audience by actively expressing and exchanging your views, thoughts, and opinions
2. Reflect on the communication you have had and think about how you can improve your future communication

3. Audience:
  • The worldwide audience of Japanese-speakers and learners of Japanese
  • Classmates

4. Content:
· You are free to choose the topic, but it must be thought provoking, have a clear message, and appeal to the target audience
· Your opinions about a social or global issue
·Issues come up in day to day life that you find questionable
· Cultural comparison and experiences
5. Steps:
  1. Form groups (three or more people), give a name to your group, and brainstorm ideas.
  2. Discuss what constitutes a good podcast or TV program.
  3. Keeping #2 and your audience in mind, write a proposal.
  4. Revise your proposal based on your classmates’ comments.
  5. Write scripts and submit the draft.
  6. Make comments with each other based on the evaluation categories.
  7. Correct and improve the scripts and then submit the final script (Tentative Due: March 7th), and submit the final podcast movie(Tentative Due: April 12th)
  8. Think about what you should do to make the target audience watch your podcast movie and execute the action.
  9. Communicate with the Japanese speaking audiences who have left comments on your podcast movie.
  10. Conduct final evaluation

6. Objects of Evaluation
  • Your Podcast
  • Levels of effort you have put in for getting comments on your podcast movie.
  • What you have attained as a result of such efforts described above.
  • What you have done to appropriately maintain the communication between you and your audience during the commenting process.

7. Evaluators
  • Classmates, teaching assistants, instructor, and student himself/herself

Friday, December 14, 2012


A. This is the Evaluation Criteria(ひょうかきじゅん)which the last year students created.  If you want to add anything, leave comments on this blog.(5分)


  • の評価基準(ひょうかきじゅん)とクラスメートのコメントをよく読(よ)んでください。
  • プロポーザルのかみ(form for the Second Proposal)はコースワークスにあります。
  • あしたまでに(by tomorrow)リーダーは先生にメールで送(おく)ってください。


C.読(よ)み物を よみましょう。(10分)
下のポストから一つえらんで(Choose one)、よんでブログにコメントをかきましょう。

D. ブログをかきましょう。(15分)
  • みなさんの好きな物(本、えいが、おんがく、え、アート、コマーシャルなど)は何ですか。
  • どうしてそれが好きですか。
*ブログは日本語でかいてください。かんじもつかってください!(If you cannot express in Japanese, use English.)

Thursday, December 6, 2012



今日はオーラルしけん (Oral Exam)です。がんばってください。

Please do the following activities before and after you take the final oral exam.

1. If you haven't finished the Blog Peer Evaluation, please click here to go to "12月5日のActivities".

2. If you haven't finished the Blog Project Evaluation, click here to see the form.

3. If you haven't finished the Course Evaluation, click here to go to Courseworks@Columbia.

4. If you still have time, click here to play "日本ごJeopardy".   Enjoy!

Thursday, November 29, 2012



きょうのアクティビティです。There are 4 activitiesIf you do not finish within class time please finish at home. Use your time effectively!

1. Evaluation of the blog (20 minutes)
  • Click the form below and rate your classmates' blog between the scale of 1-10.
  • Evaluate them and write comments. Make sure to write at least one sentence in Japanese.
  • At the end of the evaluation, write your self-reflection on your own blog. 
  • Your comments will be given to your classmates.

えぐち先生のクラス (10:10 section)
      Click to see the evaluation form that you are assigned.

  • ブラウンさん、ケースさん、チェンさん、フェドラさん、ガオさん Click here.
  • ハオさん、カさん、ジャングさん、コンさん、レイさん →Click here.
  • ロンさん、なんばさん、シャンさん、ソーコルさん Click here.

  • スンヨンさん、ジャンさん、ドミニクさん、リウさん、コービンさん→ Click here
  • あいこさん、はせがわさん、ケニーさん、サンホさん、メーガンさん、ピーターさん→Click here

    • エリさん、コーガンさん、デンさん、ミッチェルさん、ロさん Click here
    • ニコールさん、バトナーさん、ヤンさん、デルシッドさん、いしかわさん→Click here
    • バモントさん、キディーさん、トレスさん、マイヤーさん→Click here 
    • キムさん、グオさん、パイクさん、ハンさん、ジーさん Click here
    • ジャンさん、リンさん、フェルナンデスさん、セレメさん、バルガスさClick here
    • ゾウさん、ハケットさん、ボルクさん、パークスさん、ロースさん   Click here

      たつみ先生のクラス (4時10分のクラス)
      • チェンさん、カルビンさん、かじさん、リーさん、ペレッツさん→Click here

      2. Evaluation of the blog project. (10 minutes)
      • Click here and evaluate the blog project. Please write as much as possible so that we can improve the project for students who will be studying Japanese at Columbia in the future.

      3. Comment on the blogs of students in other sections, and other universities (at least 2). (10 min.)

      • To go to blogs in other sections, look at the link on the right-hand side of the page.
      • To go to the blogs of students in other universities and countries, click on the link on the right-hand side of the page that says,  ともだちをつくろう(Let's make friends)!”under "せかい(WORLD)." At this site you will see Beginning Japanese (2012-2013) as a link on the right and there are various university names listed underneath. If you click on these links, it will take you to the university homepages which have students' blog links either on the right side or on the left side.
      • When you read the blogs and if you think they are interesting, comment on their blogs.
      • To ensure that you remember where you commented, make sure to keep a record on your comment sheet.

      4. Course Evaluation
      (10 minutes)

      • Go to the Courseworks, first year Japanese, and then Evaluation.
      • Evaluate this Japanese class. Please write as much as possible so that we can improve our Japanese classes for students who will be studying Japanese at Columbia.

      Thursday, November 1, 2012



      Please do today's activities (two activities as follows) before and after you take the oral exam.

      1. Check the comments made on your own blog, and also check if others have/have not responded to comments that you made on their blogs. (20 minutes)
      • Check the comments that others have made on your blog, as well as check if others have responded to comments that you have made on their blogs.
      • Respond to any questions or comments.
      • Please create a comment sheet to keep a record about your comments so that you can share it with your instructor if you haven't done so yet.
      • Record where you have commented on your comment sheet so you know where you have commented. (On the comment sheet, please make sure to put the URLs of others' blogs where you have made comments.)

      2. Write in your own blog. (15 minutes)
      • Write in your blog in Japanese.
      • The topic can be anything. If you don’t have any ideas, write about what you did during last weekend and how it was. 

      Friday, October 19, 2012


      This is today’s activity. If you cannot finish within class time, finish at home.

      For activity 1, make a group of 3-4.

      1. Read Blog Evaluation Categories. (5 min.)
      • Please read the Blog Evaluation Categories. (If there is something you would like to add, post it in the comment on this blog entry.) If there are no additional comments, please move on to activity 2.

      For activities 2-5, work on your own.
      Write in Japanese as much as you can.

      2. Read your last entry and comments on your own blog. (5 min.)
      • Read the comments posted on your blog.
      • Respond back to the people who commented on your blog.
      • If you find any mistakes on your last entry, make corrections and publish the revised version.

      3. Check if comments you have made on others’ blogs have been responded to. (5 min.)
      • Check the status of the comments you have posted on others’ blogs.
      • If you think it is necessary, respond to any comments.
      • Please create a comment sheet to keep a record about your comments (where you posted comments). This is part of your blog evaluation. 
      • To ensure that you remember where you commented, make sure to record it on your comment sheet from now on, and share it with your instructor.

      4. Comment on the blogs of students in other sections, and other universities (at least 2). (15 min.)
      • To go to blogs in other sections, look at the link on the right-hand side of the page.
      • To go to the blogs of students in other universities and countries, click on the link on the right-hand side of the page that says,  ともだちをつくろう(Let's make friends)!”under "せかい(WORLD)." At this site you will see Beginning Japanese (2012-2013) as a link on the right and there are various university names listed underneath. If you click on these links, it will take you to the university homepages which have students' blog links either on the right side or on the left side.
      • When you read the blogs and if you think they are interesting, comment on their blogs.
      • To ensure that you remember where you commented, make sure to keep a record on your comment sheet.

      5. Make a new entry on your blog in Japanese. (This is due on Oct. 24th.) 
      (20 min.)
      • You can choose your own topic, write about your school life, your summer vacation(なつやすみ), りょこう(trip) or your weekend etc.

      Thursday, October 18, 2012

      Blog Evaluation Categories Fall 2012

      1. Language
      - transition into using more Japanese, use Japanese as much as possible
      - use the grammar structure and vocabulary we learned
      - try not to rely on Google translator because it is often very inaccurate
      - grammatically correct, with correct punctuation
      - clear language and proper spelling
      - try to maintain a natural tone

      2. Content
      - an interesting topic or theme, some sort of continuity in the theme/ topic of the blog
      - include current events or authenticity
      - topics that somehow relate to Japanese, your personal experience learning Japanese, topic should be related to Japanese culture to raise people’s common interests
      - various/ diverse subjects and topics that lead to good discussions
      - clarity, simple and easy to understand, should be coherent, not too abstract
      - be honest, show sincerity and originality
      - interesting to reader and writer, appropriate/ polite content, include topics that touch on life lessons or address universal values
      - something that motivates you to keep writing the blog

      3. Layout
      - easy on the eye
      - utilizes external resources, including pictures, videos, links, and recordings
      - user- friendly, easy to navigate
      - visually attractive (eg: stylish layout, effective usage of colors)
      - clear font, clear to follow
      - liberal use of space, don’t squeeze sentences into one paragraph
      - attract both new and returning users
      - family- friendly

      4. Communication
      - respond to comment, interacting with other blogs (eg. commenting on classmates’ blogs and other blogs outside of class)
      - comments should be answered if they include questions, comments should be meaningful
      - English translation when relevant
      - communicate and articulate in a conductive way
      - keep the flow of the dialogue natural so it is easy for the readers to read, consistent tone/ subject
      - attempt to interact with readers to create a sense of community

      5. Consideration
      - be sincere, no offensive words or posts but have an opinion, keep in mind what others could be offended by, know your audience
      - aware of the language level of one’s readers, try to post at the class’ level so we can all read the posts
      - should respect others’ blogs, consideration of other’s opinions, try not to be politically incorrect or overly- opinionated
      - don’t include too many details about your private life that would offend the readers
      - consider the purpose of doing this blog, question why we are doing this blog

      6. Frequency
      - update regularly, frequently updated (at least once a week), avoid posting too much entries at once that has no content, no Spam

      7. Others
      - Paragraphs should not be so long that the blog becomes difficult to read
      - humor and wit
      - make an effort on your blog
      - try to make the most out of this blog experience and learn
      - HAVE FUN!