Friday, April 5, 2013


(Cは 明日のしゅくだいです)

A. ポッドキャストのコメントをもらうアイディアをかんがえましょう。(10分)

    (What can you do to have more people see your pod-casting project?)
    (Wha do you think you should do to have Japanese people see it?)

メンバーといっしょにアイディアをかんがえてこのブログのコメントらん(THIS blog's comment section)に書いてください。日本語でも英語でもいいです。グループの名前も書いてください。


ince you put so much effort to make the videos, we would like to have more people (Friends and Families, Japanese people, Japanese language students, etc.) watch your videos, and get as many comments as possible.  Please read the following ideas provided by your classmates to get some insights on how you can receive the comments.

(2013 April 24th homework), Group leaders please report on:
(1) the numbers of the comments you received
(2) website URLs where your group members posted your video
(3) website URLs where you group members asked for comments

B. クラスメートのポッドキャストを見ましょう(35分)
  1. じぶんのクラスメートが作ったポッドキャストを見てください。(25 日(木)にひょうか(=evaluate)します。)
  2. 日本語でコメントを書いてください。(日本語で書けない時は英語でもいいです。)


C. ブログを書きましょう。(15分)
  1. 好きなトピックでブログを書いてください。(明日4月16日(火)のしゅくだいです)
  2. 何を書いたらいいかわからない時は(If you don't know what to write)、
  • 「私のしゅうかん(e.g., 毎日水を2リットル飲んでいます)」
  • 「Placeでできること(e.g., Hamilton Hallで安い映画のチケットが買えます)」
  • 「みなさんは知りませんが、じつは(actually)私は~ができます/できません!(e.g., 私は10mしかおよげません!)」


  1. A. We might post a link to our video on Japanese friends' Facebook walls, or tweet about it with trending hashtags. Also we might post a link to it on Japanese-language online travel forums.

  2. 1. we can upload it to and title it as "Learning Japanese" to attract more audience.

    2. share the video on social network websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo

    3. We can share the link to Japanese blog website like Mixi and Ameblo

    ガオさん レナさん 何さん エリさん

  3. In order to have more people watch the podcast, we can employ social media such as Youtube, facebook, twitter where friends and people who are interested in the topic or Japanese would voluntarily share and spread the work.

  4. 1. In order to have more people to see the podcast project, we could upload it to youtube, facebook and other public media; we could also send the link to listserv; we could circulate the link amongst friends through emails
    2. In order to get Japanese people to watch the podcast, we could share the link with our Japanese friends or post it on popular Japanese social networks such as, and so on.


  5. Apart from the classic/traditional method of simply sharing on social networks, the following unconventional methods may also work given the educational/for entertainment purpose of the podcast

    Attract more audience:
    Step 1: Put it on YouTube, fully tagged and described (checked)
    Step 2: Put a link on a social network with a wide audience (friends and family), write an semi-ambiguous title such as:"you wouldn't believe we did this", "we were so embarrassed we did this", "college kids gone wild! must see!", etc. to attract initial clicks. (unchecked)
    Step 3: Hope the initial clicks carry enough weight so that the video ranks higher on the search list so it pops up more frequently. (unchecked)
    Step 4: Profit...? (big unchecked)

    Attract more Japanese audience:
    Step 1: Put the link on
    Step 2: Profit...?

  6. 雪だるま (ソフィ、ブリジット、ジャン、リワル)

  7. -youtubeでいいtagが使えたら、多分多い人をcan attract.
    -Disseminating via Japanese social media websites or uploading to youtube with Japanese titles that include something like 外人、日本語、ポッドキャスト, etc. would yield more hits(views).

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. -Aiko,Seung,Kong's Group
    For more people to see the video, we could use a social media website in order to promote it. Then we can also share it and ask friends to watch it.
    For Japanese people to watch it, we can ask our Japanese friends to watch it, and they can share it with their friends.

  10. To attract more people to watch it, we can upload the video on youtube. And we could add more relevant tags on it so that when people research for the relevant words the video will pop up. To attract Japanese people, we could put the name of the video in both Japanese and English so that when Japanese people search in Japanese they can find our video.


  11. -post to youtube, facebook, and other social media site. Also post in some Japanese social media site
    -write title and description in Japanese
    -tag with things that people would be looking for
    -share with Japanese relatives and friends


  12. 1:10 Girls Group
    - We can post our video to youtube so more people see it!
    - We can post it to other social media forums like faceook
    - we can send it to our friends and family, especially if they speak Japanese
    - Capitalize on our relationships with Japanese cultural clubs on campus to get our video out to Japanese viewers

  13. What can you do to have more people see your pod-casting project?

    - Post it to youtube / twitter / facebook and other social media websites where people interact with each other more frequently and on a more personal level.

    - Edit and produce a ~1 minute trailer that resembles that of a movie. This way we will be able to create suspense by intentionally omitting contents in the original podcast

    What do you think you should do to have Japanese people see it?

    - The best way would be to promote the podcast through a Japanese student / faculty member or someone else who has more connections with other Japanese people.
    - Market it through students from other universities to potentially procure a larger audience.


  14. We would be able to get more views on our video by advertising and opening it to a larger audience. For example we could post it on our friends' Facebooks and encourage them to spread it to other people. Additionally, we could add a wider variety of tags on the video so that it would be more likely to come up as a result when people search.

    To spread the video to a Japanese audience, we would have to speak to people that have contacts in Japan.

  15. Kenny, Ami, Khalid, Jon

    What can you do to have more people see your pod-casting project?

    - As other groups have mentioned, utilizing social media (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc) can greatly enhance the visibility of our podcast projects. Some of us have already "hyped" up our project by posting pictures/screenshots of our video on our social media sites.

    - Simply emailing and talking about the project with your friends and family can help as well

    What do you think you should do to have Japanese people see it?
    - Post our video on Japanese Internet forums
    - Use our connections with Japanese friends to share with their friends back home

  16. We can share the link on facebook, or twitter, or any other social mediums on the internet. We can also share it with our friends and ask other people to do it as well.

    We can also ask our Japanese friends to share it on their walls on facebook so other Japanese people can see it.

  17. To get more views
    1. Spread the link through social media (facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.)
    2. Eメルで友達にリンクを送ります。
    3. ブログにポストをします。
    4. Flier in Kent (Japanese department) for podcast

    To get more Japanese views:
    1. ブログにポストをします。
    2. Respond to comments that Japanese students have left on our blog asking them to watch it (and their friends too)
    3. Have 松井先生は友達にポッドキャストで話します。

  18. TOCY (たけし、オルガ、クリス、ヤン)

    In order to get more views and promote our video podcast we can:
    1) post it and use popular hashtags with it on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagramm
    2)Write some catchy title (like "SCANDALOUS!") tag all of our friends and ask them to repost it and spread it around
    3) Find online blogs of students who study Japanese in the US as well as in other countries and of Japanese students who study English and try to promote it there.
    4) Try to spread the word around our friends.

  19. We can increase the viewing audience by sending our videos to friends internationally through email and social media websites. We can also send the podcast to our parents and our parents friends. We will post our podcast on our blogs and our followers will view our videos and repost them. We will work hard to expand our audience!

    Torres, Kogan, Yang, del Cid <3

  20. Extortion works well, as does blackmail. So, for the record, does Google Ad Sense and -- as I have done -- sent a link to the video to everybody I know in the Japanese program. I cannot post links on Facebook or other social media sites as I am not active on them and have a very small circle of friends.

  21. we can upload the podcast to video sharing websites such as youtube, japanese learning forums, and social networks. we can have titles with mostly searched keywords.

  22. グループ外人戦隊

    In order to increase our number of viewers, we have included both English and Japanese subtitles. Also Hanami and the Super Bowl are elements of pop-culture that both American and Japanese should be familiar with.

    Also, as has already been suggested, we can post our video in different social media websites (facebook, twitter, YouTube, vimeo, dailymotion, etc)
